Unsubscribe from Email lists

1 min. readlast update: 12.14.2020

To unsubscribe from our email lists,  go to our home page at ArtScroll.com. You will see the box below on the left side of the home page.

Type in your email address  and click  "To Unsubscribe" on the bottom of the box (where the arrow is pointing)

You will open the Mailing List Subscription page on our website. You can unsubscribe from the mailing lists  by unchecking the boxes next to each list and clicking "Submit" when you are finished. 

This will remove you from the mailing list(s) you selected.

You can also open the Mailing List Subscription page by logging on to your account and going to "My Email Lists" under "Preferences" (see image below). You can unsubscribe from any email list you select and click the "Submit" button.

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